Tanana River Pipeline Suspension Bridge

This is an image set within the Bridgemeister collection.

Bridge:Tanana River Pipeline Suspension Bridge
Location:Big Delta, Alaska, USA - Tanana River
Coordinates and Maps:See related inventory record(s).
Image Set Contributor:Richard Ehrenberg
Related Suspension Bridge Inventory:1975 Tanana River - Big Delta vicinity, Alaska, USA
Related Image Lists:All from Richard Ehrenberg
All in Alaska
All in USA
All Pipeline and Industrial Suspension Bridges
Credit:All photos by Richard Ehrenberg. Please do not reuse without permission.

Rick notes this bridge "carries 1.5 million barrels of North Slope oil per day. The pipeline just lays on the crossbeams, free to slide left to right on Teflon pads, with "pillow" bumpers limiting the movement. This is how they deal with the expansion and contraction in the 48" pipe. The whole pipeline is like this anywhere it's above ground."




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